Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Beginning

I remember the very first taste of aspartame I ever had.  I was in college, and someone gave me an individually wrapped gum-ball.  A new, no-cal sweetener!  Watch your waistline!  Keep a healthy (ironic) weight!  If only I knew then what I know now.

Over the last 30 years, I have suffered a variety of physical complaints.  Most have remained undiagnosed; one I believe has been wrongly diagnosed.  I have had countless tests and procedures to investigate these ailments, and am currently being medicated for two issues that may or may not be related to my addiction.  I'll elaborate on these issues as I blog.

A few days ago, I had house guests.  We were discussing nutrition in general, and our changing body chemistry as aging adults (I am the youngest of our group, at 56 years old).  As a result, I began to consider everything I was consuming, and discovered some disturbing trends.  This blog will document my journey "out of the fog".

From the web:
Diet Dope by Seana Murray
I am a 42 year old woman who has suffered for the last 12 years from weird medical issues like anxiety, depression, heart palpitations, panic attacks, mental fog, confusion, worsening eyesight (was always better than 20/20), insomnia, extreme dizziness, extreme fatigue, worsening weight gain while eating 800 calories and working out 2 hours a day), and feeling like I was living in an alternate reality.
I’ve taken trips to the ER in the middle of the night because my heart feels like it’s jumping out of my chest for hours and hours only two be told my heart is fine. I’ve gone to doctor after doctor, even asking if I had an addiction to aspartame and caffeine, and been told I’m perfectly healthy. I’ve thought about seeing a counselor so many times because I thought I was going crazy – or just one step away from losing it.


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